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Showing posts from March, 2014 wings are broken...

today I wished you were here.. I remembered some moments.. had tears in my eyes and pain in my heart.. today I let my heart feel.. I took of my mask and felt all the pain I pushed inside.. today I wished I could fly.. fly away from here… fly somewhere where tears don’t fall and heart doesn’t cry.. today..I remembered how you were waiting for me.. how great it felt to see you standing there.. today I remembered that I still love you.. but I will forget that.. today …I would fly.. but .. my wings are broken.

..all is quiet..

it’s so quiet after the storm.. all is still..nothing moves.. it’s so quiet when your heart is broken.. all the pieces fallen on the ground… silent… without a sound your soul stays.. it’s so quiet when you lose.. all you knew now is gone.. just a scent of a reality you thought you lived .. all is quiet when you are gone.. only thing I know for sure.. all is quiet…when you are.. …alone…

Seeing you seeing me..


I know I lost you...

I know you don’t know how to say goodbye.. but don’t be afraid to leave.. I know I lost you…